Ableton Live 12.2 now in public beta
Ableton Live 12.2 now in public beta
#beats #random #generative #Dante #Alighieri #poetry
#wednesday #wednesdaymotivation
#music #Mastodon #indiemusic #experimental #electronica #beat #atmospheric #modernclassical #ableton #synth #spotify #live #bandcampfriday #musicstreaming #musiclover #AlternativeMusic #ElectronicMusic #IndiePop #Synthpop #fedimusic #creativetoots #music #tunetuesday #trending #trends
Wave To Earth - Love Synthwave remake/remix
Watch the full video here:
It’s #BandcampFriday!
My new #bonkwave and #notBonkwave albums are available
Cyan is quiet and mostly calm. Indigo is loud and mostly mad.
Please listen and boost if you liked it! Feel free to PAY £0 to download to your device!
Thanks in advance (I am trying my best to be somewhat ok at self promotion
but you can mute #jwt if you don’t want to see this sort of thing going forward
It's #BandcampFriday
Use the #code
to have a 95% #discount on any purchase.
Enjoy all the discography for 0.92EUR.
Happy #friday
#discount #codes #music #Mastodon #indiemusic #experimental #electronica #beat #atmospheric #modernclassical #ableton #synth #spotify #live #bandcampfriday #ElectronicMusic #fedimusic
Tilr RipplerX (Physical Modeling Synth) v1.4.2 WiN Mac Linux [FREE] Update
RipplerX is a
My plan to start the day.
#Ableton #AbletonMove #MusicProduction
Brendon Moeller: Life Begins at 170 ALP [FREE]
Although he connected with jungle and drum & bass when he was discovering electronic music as a teenager in South Africa in the early 90s, Moeller never felt inspired to
Tonight's experiment..
..I call this one "Into the Mist".
Not sure why. Was trying to write DnB and ended up with these kind of Cure toms/snare.
This one is broody.
Tilr RipplerX (Physical Modeling Synth) v1.1.3 vsti3 au lv2 Windows macOS Linux [FREE] Update
MossGrabers ConvertWithMoss v12.1.0 Standalone Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]
RipplerX Synth (Physical Modeling) Plugin by Tilr VSTI3 AU LV2 Windows MacOS Linux Free
MIDI VST is a handy new Ableton Live Max4Life device, allowing your to combine a midi generating VST and instrument on one track.
Currently available for free or pay what you want.
OMG Instruments BlueARP (Programmable Pattern Arpeggiator / Step Sequencer) v2.8.1 x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]
#AU #vsti #VSTI3 #Ableton #AMP #arpeggiator #AU #Chord #Chords #cubase #DAW #drums #Editor #electronic #free #fx #Hardware #House #info #Intel #Keys #Live #LogicProX #M1 #MIDI #music #omginstruments #OSX #Patterns #Play #
My Friend @BorrisInABox started #Movuary, a challenge to create a musical piece with the #Ableton #Move groovebox every day in february. So, here goes day 1. My groove, Sandbank rythm. Something I created entirely while sitting in a lounge chair on a beach in Maldives. I initially wanted to record waves with the Move's built in microphone, but a nearby power generator created a hum, which, when sped up, made a perfect melodic pad. SO, here's a bit of a tropical vibe for your saturday.
For now it just sets up a repo to treat als, adg and adv files as gzipped XML, but in the future I'd want to be a cross-platform pre and post-processor for these files.
One feature I want is a "watch" functions that watches a single file and updates the gzipped file once it's written to, so that the user can test the device or project with #Ableton to see if their changes work.
This lets the user programmatically change a device more easily with any tool that works with XML.