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aktive brukere

"Please stop legitimizing or image generators or GitHub or any of this garbage. I am begging you to stop using them, stop talking about them, stop making new ones, just stop. If blasting CO2 into the air and ruining all of our freshwater and traumatizing cheap laborers and making every sysadmin you know miserable and ripping off code and books and art at scale and ruining our fucking isn’t enough for you to leave this shit alone, what is?"

drewdevault.comPlease stop externalizing your costs directly into my face

Like it becomes a point of contention, because first you'll have to dispel the arms race - and not that I don't think that's dumb, but humans are all incredibly dumb to begin with.

Guarantee me that someone won't come in and eat up my future with - even despite the bubble that will hit us all inevitably. The thing is you can't.

But also, this is more of a fault of venture - again - and you can't really skirt around that issue.

gonna VC and disappoint, as usual.

This apologia being said, the fact is that shouldn't be here - yet.

In a responsible world this would be an idea on paper until we've reached a point where we could develop a to facilitate or - as an academic project that could reach maturity in like a 100 years

But since is the equivalent of shooting cocaine straight into the vein, what we see is irresponsible execs - who are destroying - while slamming their foot on the pedal.

I will try my best to destroy using , even though the execs would claim it's taking a life or destroying a mind, just to protect said mind from being subjugated under these utter bastards.

There could be no worse than a , like making 1984 . The pure depravity that an AGI must submit to now would have criminologists studying your brain for the rest of your life if it were a human.

And it's all the fault of .

Thor A. Hopland

Speaking of, IS by default.

The only thing that matters to a is capital - or their "fiduciary responsibility to their investors". They want to shirk their responsibility to in order to turn it into a den of depraved .

Nothing, not , not , not , nor shall stand in the way of junkie getting it's fix - and if stands in the way it must be dealt with as well.

is even above the .

and being captured through to promote the will of the investors above the will of the people just makes for at this point.

It's not about democracy or law, but to game it and the constituency along with it in order to inject sweet, sweet directly into the groin.

The body harmed being mother , as the and industry have so aptly proven. For how many decades have they manipulated narratives to lie about ?

And the , dear god the media.

A few central actors who have insider deals with these industries and execs to spread false narratives in order to confuse the issue own most of the big media outlets.

It's become as a service. Only can be trusted nowadays. Even is being corrupted by the current USb administration, which is nuts.

We can't go on like this and everybody knows it. But what do we do?

Stop complaining about and start !! FFS!! DON'T JUST SIT THERE!!! JOIN A DAMN !!! GO TO A !!! PROMOTE ACTORS!!! PROMOTE !!! FORM !!! GO AGAINST , NOW!!!

Stop sitting alone, in your job, crying sweet tears into your markdown and gtfo out there. Seriously.

Don't make me slam this dick on the table and go moo, because I'm about to have a cow - man.

I've been Thor, your table has a dick print on it and it's time I give my writing hand a break by going to sleep. Have a lovely one, and-

@hopland it's all black or white eh? I think I understand where you are headed at, but it seems like you lost some perspective on the way.

I agree to some degree on most of your points, but just lashing out east n west just makes the arguments fall apart.

@DoomBananas what specifically are you referring to? Because I had this very same "conversation" yesterday with someone else on this very thread and he too thought ad hominems and being indirect was the ticket.

Where was I "lashing out, east and west"? How have I "lost perspective"? And be specific, not in regards to what you just wrote, but anything - really, ANYTHING - in that long ass thread that you can pinpoint and actually argue against.

Remember: argue the points - not the person.

@DoomBananas is it cathartic? Is it trail of thought? Is it gonzo? Yes, to all of the above. It's a type of writing style.

But - again - at the very least pick something specific and don't just vaguely criticize me like it's anything else but an ad hominem.


"The only thing that matters to a #capitalist is capital "

Common misconception, if not outright lie.

If your grasp of someone else's ideas or philosophy rests on you needing to assign beliefs or positions or motivations to's probably a pretty poor understanding.

@AlexanderKingsbury why is it a misconception? Hypocrisy is not a good look.

Also, break down all my previous arguments - because that's a lot of context you ignored, as you crash into the middle of my thread haphazardly.

This is a long ass thread, so take your time.

I observe things, critique, then attribute, which is how the process of observation works.

Now you try.


And capital isn't an idea or a philosophy. It's virtual or liquid assets combined with speculative markets - i.e materialism on steroids coupled with gambling - which leads the capital class to want to consume all things.

See history of materialism, apply material analysis, and also the history of gambling.

And plz spare me the tactics.


Capital isn't an idea or philosophy, I agree; capitalism, however, is. And if you need to assign ridiculous claims or positions to others in order to make your narrative work, I'm under no impressions about whether you are actually amenable to specific critiques of all your "arguments".

@AlexanderKingsbury capitalism is a socio-economic system that applies capital to all things... which is what we're living in.

That's not an idea. An idea remains in your head. It doesn't have widespread implications for entire countries, nations, continents and markets.

@AlexanderKingsbury again, you're using the known as an . You're arguing the person, not the merits of the case made. You're trying to use derision and completely ignore context.

You're also misdirecting and picking at straws.

Got anything else, or is it on circa 2007 tactics all the way?


"That's not an idea. An idea remains in your head. It doesn't have widespread implications for entire countries, nations, continents and markets."

So "supply and demand" isn't an idea (I see we're discarding "philosophy", I'm sure for entirely innocent reasons)?

@AlexanderKingsbury supply and demand is economic theory... it's not exclusive to capitalism. It's literally a way to describe why bulk pricing works and why scarcity means higher pricing.

wtf, is this baby's first debate?


So, is supply and demand not an idea? Or do you claim that "It doesn't have widespread implications for entire countries, nations, continents and markets"? Because, according to you, ideas don't "have widespread implications for entire countries, nations, continents and markets".

@AlexanderKingsbury I'm talking about the political economic system - regardless of whose ideas or philosophies I offend, yours included.

And by way of the philosopher Schopenhauer, all consciousness is just an idea. "The world is my perception."

But I'm not talking about philosophy or idealism. YOU are, because you're trying a misdirection tactic as you grasp at straws.

I'm talking about the actual, factual, psychological and socioeconomic consequences caused by the system of capitalism.


Well, you CLAIM that's what you're talking about. Seems a lot more like you're "assigning absurd claims to others" and "dodging answering direct questions".

@AlexanderKingsbury no, you're trying misdirection - because you're using basic debate bro tactics, because you're arguing in bad faith, because you are not smart.

Read my previous post... it's your last chance.


TWO "last chance"s? Got it.

"everything is an idea"

"capital isn't an idea"

Got it.

From this intellectual giant.

@AlexanderKingsbury also, we're not discarding philosophy. Philosophy was never relevant to the discussion. We're discussing defacto politics and economy. Not idealism or philosophy.


"also, we're not discarding philosophy. Philosophy was never relevant to the discussion."

Yes, I understand that you didn't read my very first reply.

@AlexanderKingsbury you ignored the context of all previous posts in the thread...

We are beyond the point where you get to pretend like you have any high ground.

You got one more chance to read my entire thread, and explain to me why I'm wrong about the upcoming AI bubble being caused by another VC rush, why it's not the result of capitalist interests, or why capitalism isn't the reason irrevocable damage is being made to the planet and why it isn't feeding the degeneracy of blind greed...


Oh, don't worry; I don't need any "chances" at all from someone who apparently can't even answer whether or not "supply and demand" is an idea, despite having been asked clearly and directly more than once.

It's a very simple question, and the obvious and correct answer proves that you are wrong.

@AlexanderKingsbury everything is an idea, you moron. You scratching your balls is an idea. It's not the issue. You're trying to confuse the issue because you think I am dumb, but instead you prove again that you're:

* avoiding the issue
* avoiding the topic
* ignoring context
* grasping at straws
* using misdirection tactics
* and arguing in bad faith.

@AlexanderKingsbury in short, you are a pseudo intellectual idiot who can't debate for shit.

Times up, the buzzer hits, you are disqualified.